Search97 Results

Services or Offerings?
Wireless access around campus.

Analyze, resolve, and/or enhance applications or data integration

Request OIT services to modify/review an existing data feed or system integration modification

This service allows SJFC employees to submit a project requesting application consulting services, system integration or new application development

Report an error or issue you are experiencing with an application or system integration

Request to make changes to feeds, processes, system integration or workflows

A client may research and identify a potential product or service and then request Banner development team members to ascertain whether the product/service can be integrated with Banner.

Request access to banner.

This service allows users to request assistance to solve Banner issues.

Reset password for existing Banner account.

Merge the rosters of multiple courses into one master course so all grading is managed in one course.

If you would like to have a club, committee, sandbox course or other non-credit bearing course created in Brightspace please fill out this request form

Request a sandbox course for use in Brightspace.

Please provide the requested name of the Sandbox:

Please provide it's intended purpose: