Gmail - Students

Returning Students:

The attached documents walk existing students through accessing their Gmail on or off campus. It discusses the username and the password requirements for logging in, as well as instructions for connecting your mobile device to your Student Gmail.

Club subscriptions are managed through Fish 'R' Net. More detailed information on managing cub subscriptions can be found on the Opting Out of Club Mailing Lists page.

New Students - Off-Campus:

Initially your password has a specific format for on- and off-campus students. On-campus students are required to change their password after logging on for the first time. Off-campus/online students will have to change their password via the web prior to logging into Gmail for the first time.

To reset your initial network account password, follow the steps below. More information on student passwords can be found on the Student Password help topic page.

  1. Access the Network Account Password Change form online.
  2. After changing your password you will be directed to a pre-registration page allowing you to unlock or reset network credentials online quickly and easily.
  3. After completing the above two steps you can log into Gmail at

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Article ID: 33027
Mon 7/10/17 8:48 AM
Tue 7/5/22 10:03 AM

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