Installing Software

Service Overview

SJFC-owned computers for faculty, staff and lab use come pre-loaded with standard software. There are many times when other software is also needed. SJFC has campus licenses for some software while other software is purchase at the department level.

Available To

Faculty, Staff & Students (only students enrolled in SJFC programs that provide laptops for the students)


Allows Faculty and Staff to request specialized software for work or instructional needs.

How is this service delivered?

Purchased software is installed by a OIT representative onto SJFC-owned computers for faculty and staff. Software that requires additional licensing will be quoted out. Software is only installed onto SJFC-provided student laptops while the student is enrolled in a SJFC program.

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Service ID: 20093
Wed 5/24/17 8:16 AM
Tue 3/27/18 12:41 PM