I am a new student logging on for the first time

Network Account First Time Log in: (Gmail or Brightspace)

  1. Change your password: To change your initial password, visit the Change Your SJF Password page.
  2. Sign up to reset your password online.

Any new student logging into SJF applications for the first time from off-campus must reset their network password. To change your initial password use the Change Your SJF Password page. Initially your password has a specific format for both on- and off-campus students.

All students received Network Accounts/Credentials. Using your user ID and password allow you to log into GmailBrightspace, personal network storage space, and all academic computers on campus.

Returning students may need to re-set their password to access Gmail and/or Brightspace before returning to campus. Instructions on resetting passwords or changing your password will assist you from off-campus. If you would like to reset your password via online, please remember pre-registration is necessary prior to using online tools.

If you need additional support with passwords please contact the OIT Service Desk at (585) 385-8016 or via email at oitservicedesk@sjf.edu.

*New students logging in from a computer on-campus the first time will receive a prompt to change their initial password.

Additional Resources, links and information: