Change Existing Password
Students, Alumni, Retirees, and Employees without an SJF computer:
Please use the self-service password change tool available here: from any computer.
- Navigate to, enter your SJF e-mail address and click “Next”. Enter your SJF password on the next screen and sign in.
- Click on the "Change Password" link under the Password section.
- Enter in your existing password in the “Old Password” section, then create a new password and confirm the new password. Click Submit when complete.
Employees with an SJF computer:
Off-campus or remote users must connect to the Fisher network via VPN prior to resetting the password. Please follow steps in Parts 1 and 2.
If you are on-campus, make sure to connect to the wired or secure Wi-Fi network, and proceed directly to Part 2.
Part 1. Connect to VPN
- Launch Cisco AnyConnect VPN client on your Windows PC or Mac and click Connect.
- Follow the steps to complete Multi Factor Authentication.
- Confirm the connection status states “Connected to”
Part 2. Change your network password
New password requirements:
- The password is at least 12 characters long.
- The password contains characters from at least three of the following categories:
- English uppercase characters (A - Z)
- English lowercase characters (a - z)
- Numeric digits (0 - 9)
- Non-alphanumeric (for example: !, $, #, or %)
- The password does not contain three or more consecutive characters from the user's account name
- The password is not one of the previous four passwords.
PC Users: (if off-campus, confirm you are connected to VPN before proceeding)
- Press Ctrl+Alt+Del and select “Change a password”

- Type your current password in the Old password field, then enter new password in both the New and Confirm password fields.
- Save your work, close all applications, and restart the computer.

Mac Users: (if off-campus, confirm you are connected to VPN before proceeding)
a. From the Apple menu choose System Settings (or System Preferences prior to macOS Ventura).

b. Click Users & Groups in the sidebar (or the icon in the System Preferences)
c. Review “Network account server” to verify connectivity to the directory service.
A green indicator means the directory service is available, proceed to the next step.
If the indicator is red – do not proceed, verify your network connection, restart the computer, and try again. Contact OIT Service Desk if unsuccessful.
d. Click on the Info button to the right of your account, or on your name in the list (prior to Ventura), then click Change Password.

e. Type your current password in the Old Password field, then enter new password in both the New and Verify password fields.
f. Click on Change Password and close the window.
g. Save your work, quit all applications, and restart the computer.