Cell Phones or Smart Phones

SJF Cell Phone

To request a cell phone please use the Cellular Telephone Request Form. Individuals who are approved for a SJF issued cell phone will be given the college’s standard cell phone and accessories. The individual’s department is required to pay for the cost of the cell phone, accessories, and cell phone plan. Please note that the Division Head and Vice President of Finance are required to approve all Cellular Telephone Phone Requests.

SJF Smart Phone

OIT officially supports SJF email on a SJF issued Smart Phones. Unlike Cell Phones, only individuals who are required to have frequent access to email while away from his/her computer are issued SJF Smart Phones due to the high cost to the university. The individual’s department is required to pay for the cost of the Smart Phone, accessories, and Smart Phone device plan (Voice & Data). To request a SJF Smart Phone, please use the Smart Phone Request Form.  Please note that the Department Head and Vice President of Finance must approve any request for a Smart Phone.

Additional Information

For information about Cell Phone and Smartphone plans, please contact the Help Desk for current pricing and/or the Employee Discounts web page. If you do not have an SJF issued Smartphone, but want SJF email on your mobile device, please see our help topic on Active Sync

Please note that OIT only supports email on SJF Smartphones and not all mobile devices are able to connect to SJF email.