What is Banner?


Banner is a comprehensive application suite that consists of web-based software applications for student information, advancement, human resources, financial aid, financial management, and more. If you feel that your account has been compromised, changing your password is recommended.

Do you need to use Banner?

There are several areas outside of those mentioned above that use Banner for some aspect of their mission.  However, not all employees will require use of Banner in their day to day activities.  Department heads and managers make decisions as to which employees will require access.  

How are Banner accounts created?

When a manager has identified a need for an employee to have access to the Banner system, he or she will fill out a Banner Access Request form.  The form can be found online.  The process required obtaining required authorizations for access the employee requires to fulfill their job function.  This request will be processed by the Office of Information Technology and the manage & employee are notified upon completion.  

Note: If a new employee is responsible for a budget, their manager must get approval from the Business Office for this access.  


Fish 'R' Net web interface to Banner which provides students, faculty, alumni, and staff with secure access to personal information in an easy-to-use web-based format that can be accessed from mySJF.  

Ellucian Training Services

Banner Training for Faculty & Staff

Banner Info




Article ID: 33385
Mon 7/17/17 10:23 AM
Mon 7/25/22 3:59 PM