Computer Purchase and Replacement Policy


I. Background

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) is the sole provider of computing resources for St. John Fisher University (SJF). All technology, including but not limited to computers/hardware, software, mobile devices, software-as-a-service, technology subscriptions and services of any kind, must be reviewed and purchased with approval from OIT.

To maintain a sustainable service to the campus community, the following guidelines and principles will govern the computing devices used by the university’s employees.

II. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to define how the university acquires, replaces, and disposes of computing devices (including but not limited to desktop computers, laptops, all-in-ones, tablets, mobile phones, etc.) for faculty and staff use.

The policy's primary objective is to ensure computing devices are acquired and replaced in an objective, equitable, sustainable, and transparent manner. It also seeks to establish criteria by which computing devices are replaced based on the age of the device, the condition of the device and other contributing factors.

III. Scope

This policy applies to all full-time, part-time, temporary, and hourly staff and faculty, and to the procurement of all computing devices/equipment by the university regardless of funding source or purpose.

IV. Centralized Computer Inventory

All university-owned computing devices are included in the centralized asset inventory for the purpose of recording, tracking, assigning, and managing the devices. The centralized inventory and computer replacement processes are managed by OIT. OIT is responsible for procuring all computing devices for all employees from funds allocated annually by the university for this purpose. No other area of the university may procure computing devices for its employees using other funding sources or budget allocations.

The centralized inventory will consist of computing devices assigned to employees and an unassigned inventory pool. The unassigned inventory is maintained to fill the immediate needs of new employees and to replace devices that fail prior to the end of their useful life. The unassigned inventory has both new computing devices and used devices with sufficient useful life for re-assignment. Used devices are added to the unassigned inventory whenever an employee vacates a position with the university. To maintain a healthy inventory, all computing devices that are not assigned to a user must be promptly returned to OIT.

V. Primary Computing Device

OIT will only assign one primary computing device from the centralized computer inventory for each full-time employee position authorized a primary computer. Some positions are also authorized an Apple iPad as a secondary computing device to perform teaching or other job functions. Successfully completing a training program through the iFisher Program is required for all employees issued an Apple iPad.

OIT assigns computing devices and peripherals for use in employee’s on-campus office location. No additional equipment may be purchased with university funds to support an employee’s work from home status.

VI. Assignment of Computing Devices

Computing devices must not be transferred or re-assigned without approval from OIT. If an employee leaves a position, the computing device(s) associated with the position must be returned to OIT. To assess the state of all computing devices, keep them secured, and ensure their timely replacement, OIT must evaluate and document all devices and accurately track the assigned user of each device.

VII. Replacement Cycles

Computing devices must be replaced at the end of their useful life or at a minimum every five years from the date of purchase (depending on the allocated budget). This is done for several reasons: to provide employees with current devices, operating systems, software applications and sufficient performance to effectively do their work; to protect the university’s systems from security vulnerabilities in older devices; and to maintain a reasonable number of device configurations that can be well-supported.

VIII. Determining Computing Devices to Replace

Following the computer replacement process, OIT will engage in an annual replacement cycle by examining the centralized computer inventory to determine which computing devices should be scheduled for replacement. OIT will replace computing devices on a like-for-like basis. For example, if a user position is currently assigned a Windows laptop, it will be replaced with a new Windows laptop of a then-current standard configuration.

The computing needs of faculty and staff and the following factors will determine when a computing device is included in the replacement cycle.

Factors that will be considered in replacement planning include:

  • The total available funding to replace computing devices each year.
  • The age of the device.
  • The device’s current level of functionality.
  • The functions and performance required of the device based on the assigned user’s position needs.
  • The availability of alternative used devices in the centralized computer inventory.
  • The risk and liability associated with the device's functions or use (e.g., a device used for processing sensitive data or information or used to support critical university processes that is unable to run a supported or secure operating system would be prioritized over a similar device that doesn't access sensitive data, information, or systems and would result in negligible impact on university operations if it failed).
  • The material or time costs associated with supporting and maintaining specific devices. This may include whether devices remain under warranty.

IX. Standard Computer Configurations

OIT determines and identifies standard configurations for all computing devices. Standard configurations include the types of operating systems and devices that faculty and staff are provided and may use. These configurations are evaluated annually for performance, security, pricing, and available options. OIT may change vendor, options, or standard configuration at its discretion.   

  • Full-time employees will be provided a standard Windows laptop.
  • All employees provided a laptop will also receive a desktop monitor, docking station, keyboard, mouse, and carrying bag.

X. Exceptions

Employee requests for macOS computing devices

  • Employees requesting a macOS computing device instead of a Windows computing device must document the specific business need(s) which a Windows device cannot fulfill and obtain approval from their supervisor/Dean, divisional Vice President, and the Vice President for Finance.

Requests for Non-standard Computer Configurations

  • If faculty or staff have needs that go beyond the standard configurations, they are required to document why a standard computer configuration is insufficient for the needs of the position and obtain approval from their supervisor/Dean, their divisional Vice President, and the Vice President for Finance. If approved, OIT will consult with the user and their supervisor to select/procure an alternative device.

Any cost difference between the non-standard device and a standard configuration must be funded by the requesting department.

Accommodating non-standardized configurations and procurement outside of regular channels often require additional staff, time, and resources. Consequently, non-standard computer configuration requests can cause delays in processing and fulfillment. In such cases, these requests may result in the employee's device replacement being moved to a later date.

XI. Surplus & Disposal of Computing Devices

OIT is responsible for the decommission and disposal of all surplus university technology. To facilitate in this disposal, reduce overall costs, and lower environmental impact, OIT has contracted with recycling and resale vendors to dispose of decommissioned assets.

To ensure the proper confidentiality of any university data, all vendors contracted for the disposal of OIT assets must provide either a certification of physical destruction for all OIT data-storage assets given to their custody, or a certification that data on the device was wiped to a minimum standard as that present in DoD 5220.22-M 8-306 Cleaning and Sanitation Matrix. This is colloquially known as a “Three Pass Wipe”.

Computing devices, accessories, and peripheral equipment that can no longer serve their original purpose, are no longer supported by the manufacturer, or are unable to be supported by OIT, must be returned to OIT for decommissioning. Please contact the OIT Service Desk at to request a pickup of any computer equipment.

SJF policy is to deny all requests for faculty and staff to retain university-owned assets as personal assets following the conclusion of their employment with SJF, or the asset reaching end of service life. This policy is in place to ensure the confidentiality of any sensitive information which may be on the device, as well as to ensure proper financial record keeping of assets for depreciation and value. In addition, SJF provides no warranty (express or implied), and will provide no support pertaining to assets following their decommission and/or disposal.


What happens to my old computer? Recycling Electronics

If you have questions about the Computer Replacement process, please contact the Service Desk at 385-8016 or




Article ID: 32863
Wed 7/5/17 11:36 AM
Wed 10/16/24 3:42 PM