Google Takeout


If you’d like to download your Google data (i.e. GMail, Google Drive) to a secure, non-SJF location—such as an alternate email address or your computer—before your graduation or departure from SJF, Google Takeout is available to download your data. Data downloads can take a while depending on file sizes, and it’s important to complete the download well in advance of your account deletion. Follow the instructions below to download your data.

  1. Go to and log in with your SJF credentials.
  2. Select which services you would like to download data from. Click Next step to continue.
  3. At the next screen ensure that the fields highlighted in the image below are selected. You can modify the File size to a larger size if you wish. Click Create export when complete.

  4. You will now see an Export progress screen. NOTE: This process can take a long time to complete depending on the amount of data that is being downloaded. You will receive an e-mail when the export is complete, however DO NOT LOG OUT OF GOOGLE when the export is in progress.

  5. To check on the status of an export, view or download exports, or create a new export, you can go to

For additional information regarding Google Takeout, please go to

For assistance with importing an MBOX of your SJF Gmail content, please go to Article - Google Takeout MBOX Import.




Article ID: 162722
Wed 11/13/24 2:12 PM
Tue 1/21/25 11:27 AM