Spam and Junk E-mail Filtering - Faculty/Staff

Tags faculty staff

The Junk Email folder serves as a dedicated location for potentially unwanted or suspicious emails. Below are some key points and articles on how to view and manage the Junk e-mail folder in Outlook.

  • Retention Period: Please note that emails stored in the Junk Email folder will be automatically deleted after a retention period of 30 days. We encourage you to review this folder regularly to ensure that important messages are not missed or accidentally deleted.
  • Managing Junk Email: If you find legitimate emails in your Junk Email folder, you can mark them as "Not Junk" to move them back to your inbox. Additionally, you can adjust your junk email settings in Outlook to customize your preferences and enhance the accuracy of the filtering process. Please refer to the below links for guidance on this subject:

Overview of Junk Email Folder

Filter Junk Email and Spam

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Article ID: 32865
Wed 7/5/17 11:41 AM
Thu 6/15/23 7:53 AM